Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

Lyric of "Big Big World" by Emilia

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
but I do do feel that
I do do will miss you much
miss you much...

I can see the first leaf falling
It's all yellow and nice
It's so very cold outside
like the way I'm feeling inside

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
but I do do feel that
I do do will miss you much
miss you much...

Outside it's now raining
and tears are falling from my eyes
Why did it have to happen?
Why did it all have to end?

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
but I do do feel that
I do do will miss you much
miss you much...

I have your arms around me warm like fire
but when I open my eyes
You're gone...

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
but I do do feel that
I do do will miss you much
miss you much...

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
but I do feel I will miss you much...
miss you much...

English Speech about International Women's Day

Thursday, April 17th 2014

English Speech by:
  • Adinda Putriasa P. – 2010230023
  • Dwi Rachmawati – 2011230001
  • Redita Adenisty – 2011230006

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen..
First, i want to tell all of you about one quaotation that I found today..
“Whatever women do, they must do it twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not difficult.”
So if this speech is only half as good as most of the other speeches you will hear tonight, I apologise in advance.
International Women’s Day matters to me personally. I am very proud to be a woman. I thank God for that. As a college student, much of my life has been spent in developing countries, and I have seen with my own eyes that if there is a magic bullet for successful development it can be summed up in two words: educate women.
I love this great country of Indonesia and I want it to thrive in the 21st century. I believe that it will do so, but only if it unleashes the talent and full potential of all of its population.
We, as educated people, men or women, have to realize that at this moment, the number of women in this world is greatly increasing. Therefore, we need to be concern to education sector, particularly for women to not to abandoned their education.
We need to giving women some accesses to finance and the skills they need to support themselves. We need to helping women give birth safely and have children by choice. We need to promoting children’s health and nutrition. And we need to working harder to reduce violence against women and children.

Let me conclude with three more quotations which seem to me to be appropriate for this afternoon’s celebration. The first is from American writer Alice Walker, and it’s this: “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking that they don’t have any”. All of us in this room have a lot of power, perhaps more than we know. The women of Indonesia and the world have infinitely more. Let us resolve to use our power to the maximum. The second saying is this: “Feminism is the radical notion that women are people”. I urge the world to be radical. And my final quotation is another one that I found today: “Well-behaved women seldom make history.” I encourage all of you to go out and behave very badly.

Diplomasi Pingpong

Diplomasi Pingpong
Peristiwa yang tak terduga diawali saat diselenggarakannya Kejuaraan Tenis Meja Internasional di Nagoya, Jepang bulan April 1971 yang mempertemukan tim AS dan Cina. Dalam kejuaraan ini terjadilah peristiwa dimana atlit AS Glenn Cowan ketinggalan bis tim Amerika Serikat dan diberi tumpangan oleh bis timnas Cina. Sejak itu, Cowan menjalin pertemanan dengan Zhuang Zedong, atlit timnas Cina. Peristiwa ini menggemparkan media dan diliput secara besar-besaran karena peristiwa pertemuan dan pertemanan dua atlit yang berasal dari dua negara yang bersitegang saat era perang dingin tersebut adalah peristiwa menarik mengingat kedua negara berada dalam hubungan yang tidak harmonis. Ternyata peristiwa ini dilihat oleh Mao sebagai lampu terang untuk meneruskan perjuangannya dalam membuka hubungan dengan AS. Strategi diplomasi pingpong pun dilancarkan. Pada mulanya, Cina mengundang atlit tenis meja AS untuk melakukan kunjungan ke Cina dalam rangka semangat sportifitas olahraga untuk melakukan sparing dan eksibisi serta tur di Cina yang mengusung jargon ”friendship first, competition second.” Akhirnya, pada tanggal 10 April tim AS dan wartawan mengadakan kunjungan ke Cina sekaligus menjadi orang-orang Amerika Serikat pertama yang mengunjungi Cina sejak berkuasanya partai komunis Mao Zedong dari tahun 1949. Strategi ini disebut sebagai “diplomasi pingpong,” karena Mao menggunakan elemen olehraga sebagai alat untuk membuka hubungan dengan AS.

Strategi diplomasi ini ternyata membuahkan hasil karena AS memutuskan untuk menghentikan embargo perdagangannya terhadap Cina. Dengan diplomasi pingpong, Cina berhasil membuat AS terkesan oleh perubahan sikap Cina yang lebih positif terhadap AS. Mao Zedong pun mengundang presiden AS untuk melakukan kunjungan ke Cina dan membicarakan berbagai isu mengenai hubungan antara kedua negara.